The Atonement is broken down as Christ conquering 2 deaths. One the spiritual death or sinning and drawing away from Heavenly Father. The other is physical death and We know what that is. And the entire act of the Atonement is organized in 3 parts. First his suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane where he payed the price for one all of our sins and 2 for all of our temptations and our pains, afflictions, sicknesses, guilt, and sorrow throughout our entire life so that he can be the perfect judge of us and know exactly what we have been through in our lives. This is where Christ conquered spiritual death. Then the next step was the dying on the cross where the prophecies of old could be fulfilled that say he will die for the sins of the world this part of the atonement is so very necessary for the reason being that all mortals have to face death therefore he did the same and seal his sacrifice and suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. And aslo he needed to be raised onto that cross so that he could rise again in 3 days time. Then the last part of the Atonement is covered in Jesus Christs Resurrection. The next best gift that he can offer us next to Eternal life. Because he was risen again he conquered that physical death and he has made it possible for us to be resurrected with perfect bodies as well. He was risen to complete the Atonement and allow us to follow in his footsteps and return to our Father in Heaven.